The Dropbox Sign and PageUp integration is available to customers on Dropbox Sign API Standard and Premium plans. |
You can use the Dropbox Sign and PageUp integration to send signature requests directly from PageUp.
Features included in the integration
PageUp is a human resource software that helps users recruit, develop and retain high-performing teams.
Benefits include a highly configurable version of their software, which automatically updates monthly, and the ability to send signature requests directly from PageUp.
How to get the integration
To get the Dropbox Sign and PageUp integration:
- Contact your PageUp Customer Service Management (CSM) or to get the PageUp Activation Terms document to sign and return.
Once the bundle has been assigned:
- Log in to PageUp.
- Click Help.
- Select Knowledge Portal.
- Click the search tab, then type Dropbox Sign.
- Choose eSignatures - sign and accept.
- Log in to
- Click Accept to complete enabling the eSignature feature.
Learn more about setting up and using the Dropbox Sign and PageUp integration in the user guide and PageUp Knowledge Portal.
Note: you can only access the PageUp Knowledge Portal if you’re logged in as a PageUp customer.
What do I need to use the Dropbox Sign and PageUp integration?
To use this integration, you will need:
- A Dropbox Sign API Standard or Premium plan
- A PageUp account
Note: each user needs their own subscription for both.
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