This article describes a feature available to Dropbox Sign customers on Dropbox Sign Standard and Premium plans. |
The Dropbox Sign template migration tool allows you to migrate your DocuSign templates to Dropbox Sign, so you don’t need to recreate your templates manually. You can migrate your DocuSign templates and convert them to Dropbox Sign templates without having to spend time recreating them manually.
How to migrate DocuSign templates to Dropbox Sign
To migrate your templates:
- Log in to
- Click Templates in the left sidebar.
- Click the Migrated tab.
- Click Migrate template.
- Select the .zip file you want to migrate and click Upload.
As you migrate templates from DocuSign to Dropbox Sign, a pop-up window will show you real-time information about the migration status of your templates. The migrated .zip files will appear in the Migrated tab. You can click the drop-down arrow on the right side of the page to see an overview of all the templates that were migrated.
How to review and edit partially-migrated templates
Some templates may only be partially migrated, due to differences between the DocuSign and Dropbox Sign editors. You can review these partially-migrated templates and then update the fields as you need to.
To review and edit migrated templates:
- Log in to
- Click Templates in the left sidebar.
- Click the All templates tab.
- Click Edit template to the right of the template name.
- Add any signer roles you wish, then click Next.
- Click the warning symbol (red exclamation point in a triangle) above your document to review missing fields.
- If there are no missing fields, the warning symbol will be black.
- Make the necessary changes needed to your template. Learn how to use the Dropbox Sign editor.
- Once you’ve resolved all missing fields, click Next.
On the Review and save page, click Save template.
Admins: manage who can migrate DocuSign templates
If you’re an admin, you can decide if your team can migrate templates from DocuSign to Dropbox Sign.
To do so:
- Log in to
- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top right.
- Select Admin console.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar.
- Click Documents and templates.
Toggle Migrate DocuSign templates to Dropbox Sign templates to On or Off.
Note: If the setting Restrict template access creation to admins only is activated, only admins can access the template migration tool. If the setting is deactivated, all team members can access it. |
Supported properties
Dropbox Sign supports most DocuSign template properties, features and document fields. The table below shows which properties are fully and partially supported.
DocuSign name
Dropbox Sign name
Conversion supported
Supported properties
Doc field
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Radio group
Radio group
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Date signed
Date signed
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Full name
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Doc field
Email address
Fully supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
Email message body
Fully supported
Recipient role
Role title
(max 20) |
Fully supported
Set signing order
Set signer order
Fully supported
Assign to someone else
Allow signer reassignment
Fully supported
Template name
Template name
Fully supported
Doc field
Partially supported
Name, Position and dimension, Required field
CC roles
CCs (role)
Partially supported
A manual update is required to define the CC email address within the Dropbox Sign template.
Email subject line (max 100 characters)
Partially supported
Dropbox Sign uses the template name as the default email subject line. A manual update is required to define the email subject line while preparing a signature request.
Recipient action:
Default behaviour is signature request
Not supported
Doc field |
Not supported
Doc field |
Not supported
Doc field |
Not supported
Doc field |
Payment Item
Not supported
Doc field |
Not supported
Doc field |
Formula / Calculation fields
Not supported
Note: For any other DocuSign features and properties, a manual update will be required. View the Template review section below for more information on this process. |
Template migration limits
The number of templates you can transfer from DocuSign is defined by your Dropbox Sign plan:
- Sign Standard: 15 templates
- Sign Premium: unlimited templates
If you reach your template quota limit during a template transfer, a message will appear notifying you that the maximum number of templates has been reached for your current plan. The remaining templates uploaded won’t be transferred.
For information about upgrading your plan and increasing the number of templates available, view our Dropbox Sign plans and pricing page and Dropbox Sign API plans and pricing page.
Note: These limits include templates created directly in Dropbox Sign. |
Other restrictions on template migration are as follows:
- the maximum number of template (.json) files that can be transferred at one time is 50
- the file upload size limit is 40 MB
- the maximum number of fields per template is 200
- the page limit per template is 400
How to use the template migration tool
To transfer these templates to Dropbox Sign:
- Log in to your DocuSign account.
- Gather all the DocuSign templates that you want to migrate into one .zip file. Individual templates can also be uploaded as JSON files.
- Log in to your Dropbox Sign account.
- Click Transfer templates in the left sidebar.
- Click Add file or drag and drop your .zip file to begin the transfer.
- Once the file has been added, you’ll see the ‘Transferring your files’ message. As the templates complete, they will be added to your Templates page automatically. We highly recommend reviewing your newly migrated Dropbox Sign templates to ensure everything was migrated properly before you use them in signature requests.
Once the transfer is complete, you’ll see a summary of your transfer.
- For additional insight, click Download report.
- Click Go to templates to review the transferred templates.
- Click the︙(vertical ellipsis) next to the template you’d like to review.
- Select Edit.
From here, you can check that each element of your template has transferred correctly and make edits to those elements if desired.
Note: We recommend you review all transferred templates before using them for a signature request to ensure that all supported fields have been correctly transferred to Dropbox Sign. |
Template report
The template report can be found by clicking Download report once the template transfer is complete. This report, which will download as a .csv file, will indicate the template status:
- Successfully converted: all supported DocuSign template properties, features and document fields were successfully converted to Dropbox Sign.
- Partially converted: all supported DocuSign template properties, features and document fields were successfully converted to Dropbox Sign. All unsupported DocuSign template properties, features and document fields were skipped and captured in the CSV report.
Failed to convert: This happens when you've reached your Dropbox Sign template quota or uploaded a corrupt Template JSON file. Other potential transient errors can cause a template to fail the transfer as well.
The CSV report will provide details on the features, fields and properties that were skipped and couldn’t be transferred. Additionally, if the template failed to transfer, a detailed explanation of why the template failed will be included in the CSV.
If you’ve reached your max template quota while the templates are being transferred, each template exceeding the quota will be tagged as “failed to transfer” within the CSV report.
Template review
Once the templates have been migrated, we highly recommend that you review each template to ensure all supported fields have been converted correctly to the Dropbox Sign template. Follow these steps to review template details:
- Select Templates in the left sidebar.
- Ensure the All templates tab is selected. You will see a list of templates in order with the most recently added templates at the top of the list.
- Click the︙(vertical ellipsis) on the template you’d like to review.
- Select Edit from the drop-down menu.
- The template editor will open on the Select documents page. Here you will see the files used for your DocuSign template. You can add or remove files at this step. Once complete, select Next.
- At the Add roles step, you can review the role titles. These will be the converted values for your previous recipient roles. At this step, you can also edit the roles, enable signer reassignment or set a signer order. Once complete, select Next.
At the Place fields step, you should see all supported document fields added to the document in the same locations as your DocuSign template. Make updates using the left panel to add fields for specific signers and the right panel to include more details for the selected field.
- You can preview the document for each signer by clicking the Preview button in the bottom right of the template editor. After reviewing, click Next.
Review the CC’d recipient roles, template title and template message. Once all edits are complete, click Save Template.
Using templates
Once you’ve successfully converted and reviewed your templates, you are now ready to use them in your Dropbox Sign workflow.
To find out more about using templates:
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