Bulk send is available to Dropbox Sign users on Standard and Premium plans.
To send a bulk request:
- Sign in to hellosign.com.
- Click Bulk send in the left sidebar.
- Click Add template.
- Click the template you’d like to use.
- Click Next.
- To upload your own spreadsheet, click Upload CSV under Step 2.
- Fill in the cells.
- If your document requires multiple signers, add their email addresses to the spreadsheet.
- When you're done, go back to Dropbox Sign and click Upload CSV.
- Upload your new spreadsheet.
- If you see, "Some rows have errors. You can fix them in the next step," click Next to add any missing information.
- Click Next.
- Under Email to signers,
Note: Signature requests sent through bulk send aren’t shown in the Sign home page. To review the status of your bulk signature requests, click Documents in the left sidebar and then click the Bulk send tab. |
FAQs about bulk requests
How should I format my CSV file?
Your CSV file can contain as many columns of data as you like, but it must include at least a signers’ names column (labelled “name” in the header row) and a signers’ emails column (labelled “email_address” in the header row). The header rows in your CSV file must be the same as the merge fields in your template plus “_field”. For example, if the merge field is “name” in your template, the corresponding header row in your CSV file should be “name_field”.
Why am I getting an error message when I upload my CSV file?
If you get an error message when you upload your CSV file or special characters are replaced, your file may be encoded or formatted incorrectly. To ensure your CSV file is encoded and formatted correctly, save your CSV file as a UTF-8 encoded file, or use the CSV template that you can download when you get to step 6 in the instruction set above.
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