If you have an approved embedded signing flow or are interested in testing embedded signing, embedded templates or embedded requesting, you will need an API key and a client_id.
The API key is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user with our API, and the client_id signifies a specific API app within Dropbox Sign. Learn how to find or create your API key.
Non-embedded signing can also use a client_id, but this doesn’t need to be approved in an app approval process. Find out more about embedded vs. non-embedded signing.
How to create a client_id
Log in to hellosign.com.
Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top right.
Click Settings.
Click the API tab.
Click Create app next to API apps.
- Enter the required information for your new app.
You’ll see the client_id in the API apps section.
How to find your client_id
Log in to hellosign.com.
Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top right.
Click Settings.
Click the API tab.
Scroll down to API apps.
- Copy and paste the client_id you need.
If you’re implementing an embedded or Dropbox Sign OAuth workflow, you’ll need to review our app approval documentation and submit a request using the relevant form at the bottom of this page.
If an API app isn’t approved, you can only use the API app in test_mode for embedded or OAuth workflows.
If you’re implementing a non-embedded workflow, you don’t need to submit an approval request. You must be on a paid Dropbox Sign API Essentials plan or higher, and then remove test_mode from your API request.
If you use the client_id of an API app assigned to a callback URL, we’ll report callback events associated with that API app.
You can implement the callback URL set at the API app level even if it’s in an unapproved state.
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