When using the Embedded Signing. To do that, you will need to: Sign API with mobile native apps, you must use
- host a signer page on a domain that you own
- This is due to the ign embedded API and how we do domain verification
- use a WebView to open that signer page with the ign iFrame inside of your mobile app
Please note:
- We highly recommend using a skeleton or simple page, as the iFrame needs the whole screen to display properly on mobile devices.
- The API can be used in mobile applications but we do not currently have any examples or SDKs in mobile native languages.
- Embedded.js, the library that supports the iFrame cannot run from inside a native app, because that use case is not supported outside of using a web view. One of the reasons for this is that we have a domain check and we have not expanded this needed security feature to handle native apps that would not have a domain to check.
- You will need to open a WebView that loads a web page that contains the script tags and the client.open() method. You will not be able to do this from within a native component (which gets compiled to native iOS code), because that is not a supported use case.
- The latest version of our Embedded package, Embedded V2, does not automatically inject a specific meta tag into the head anymore. It is up to the developer to properly build mobile support into your website. When upgrading to v2, website developers need to make sure the following meta tag is in their document's <head> if the wish to have a clean experience on mobile:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0">
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