You have a set amount of API signature requests that can be sent within a certain amount of time, depending on your plan. This is your “quota” or “allotment”, which is different from API rate limits.
You can choose how often your quota refreshes:
You can choose how often your quota refreshes:
Monthly: If you have a monthly Dropbox Sign API subscription, your quota will refresh monthly.
- For example, if your billing cycle starts on March 3, your quota will refresh on April 3.
Yearly: For an additional cost, you can set your quota to refresh yearly. This means you’ll receive your year’s allotment up front, without monthly restrictions.
- To request yearly quota refreshes, submit a request with Dropbox Sign Support.
- If you have an annual Dropbox Sign API subscription but haven’t paid the additional fee for your quota to refresh yearly, your quota will refresh monthly.
- If you’re billed yearly but your quota refreshes monthly, your monthly quota will be your yearly allotment API requests divided by 12.
- If you were billed on the 31st of the month and the following month has 30 days, you’ll be billed on the 30th next month.
Exceeding quota limits
If you exceed your allotment, you’ll be automatically upgraded to the next highest plan (see section 8.2 of our Terms of Service). This is done in order to prevent service interruption.
Note: Dropbox Sign will send a notification when you've used 80% of your monthly or yearly quota. Another notification will be sent when you reach 100% usage and your subscription is automatically upgraded. Your subscription will remain at the higher tier from that point forward. For more information about our plans and quotas, check out our pricing page.
Keeping track of usage
You can check your usage in three ways:
- Checking your account settings
- Viewing the API Dashboard
- Sending a GET request to the /account endpoint
To check your account settings:
- Log in to with the account where the API key used for requests is stored.
- Click your avatar (profile picture of initials) in the upper right.
Your remaining signature requests can be found under your name and email in the dropdown menu.
To view the API Dashboard:
- Log in to with the account where the API key used for requests is stored.
- Click API in the left sidebar.
- Click View API Dashboard in the upper right.
- Scroll down to the Quota usage section.
You’ll see your account’s quota usage, including your quota refresh date and next billing date.
Note: This information is also available to team admins and developers when they use their Dropbox Sign account credentials.
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