You can manually trigger automatic callback examples for error events by including these codes in the signer's email address of your tests:
Overlay Error
[any letters and/or numbers]
Here's an example of an Overlay Error callback - note the "event_type" value is "file_error", as well as the "signatures"->"status_code[0]" value.
This error can occur with all Signer Placement options except the Appended Signatures Page.
Component Error
[any letters and/or numbers]
Here's an example of an Component Position error - note the "event_type" value is 'signature_request_invalid', as well as the "signatures"->"status_code[0]" value. This means the Overlay Error is specific to signer, which may help with troubleshooting your form_fields_per_documents.
Text Tag Error
[any letters and/or numbers]
Here's an example of a Text Tag Error - note the "event_type" value is "signature_request_invalid", though the value for "signatures"->"status_code[0]" is "error_text_tag".
Recipient Declined
[any letters and/or numbers]
Here's an example of a Declined event - note the "signatures"->"status_code[0]". Also, for this test the "signatures"->"decline_reason[0]" is null, but the signer would be required to fill in a reason, so you'd typically get a string returned for the "decline_reason".
Unknown Error
[any letters and/or numbers]
Here's an example of an Unknown Error.
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