If you have a multiple page document, hover your mouse over the center of the document and use your touch pad or mouse wheel to move the document up or down, and you'll notice a scroll bar appear on the right side of the document, indicating how far down (or up) you've scrolled.
Different browsers treat scroll bars differently. In Chrome, there will not be a scroll bar to click and drag up or down as there is in the Safari or Firefox browsers. The Chrome scroll bar only appears when you are are in the process of scrolling a document using your touch pad or mouse wheel.
If the document still does not scroll up or down when you hover over it and swipe your touchpad or drag your mouse wheel, particularly if you are using the Dropbox Sign for Gmail plugin, the problem may be due to your browser being zoomed in.
If you're on a Mac, try holding down the command button and then tapping the minus button to zoom out to see the whole document.
If you're on a PC or Mac, you can click "View" in your browser's menu at the top of the screen and select "Zoom Out."
If this still doesn't do the trick, you can contact our support team by going here.
Please include the browser and version you are using and a description of what happened so that we can test and resolve the issue as quickly as possible!
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