Sign has a limited Free plan that lets you send 3 free signature requests per month. Your 3 free signature requests renew every 30 days from the day you sign up.
Note: Self-signing documents doesn't count towards your 3 free signature requests per month. The Free plan offers unlimited self-signing.
Check out the Dropbox Sign Plans & Pricing to see everything our Free plan includes and to compare it with our paid plans. From the Plans & Pricing page, you can click Sign Up in the top right to sign up for any of our plans, or Contact Us to learn more.
What does a free signature request include?
A signature request refers to the entire transaction of preparing and sending one or more documents to be electronically signed by one or more signers, then receiving the signed document(s). As long as you send the document(s) to the signer(s) in a single bundle, it counts as only one signature request.
Note: Bulk sends are different in that the document(s) is sent to and signed by many signers through the use of a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Bulk sends are available on our Standard and Premium plans.
Is the audit trail free too?
Yes. When your signature request is completed, you’ll receive a PDF of the signed document(s) plus an audit trail. Self-signed documents—documents signed using the Just Me option—don't include an audit trail since you’re the only signer.
Note: If you need to confirm the status of a request before you receive the audit trail, you can check it in your Documents section.
What do the paid plans include?
If you need more than our Free plan provides, compare the Dropbox Sign Plans & Pricing to choose the best plan for you.
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