The information in this article only applies to the legacy Dropbox Sign for HubSpot integration. |
Organizing Contact Properties in the HubSpot CRM
The HubSpot and Dropbox Sign integration allows you to automatically route a HubSpot contact’s information to pre-formatted Dropbox Sign templates. This function is particularly useful for quickly and accurately loading information into frequently used documents or contracts.
But before you begin formatting Dropbox Sign templates for the HubSpot integration, you’ll want to organize your desired contact properties. These properties store the information you will be routing to your Dropbox Sign templates. The overview of your contact’s properties are located in the “About the contact” section in your HubSpot CRM.
There are roughly 50 default contact info fields, or “properties”, included with your HubSpot CRM. You can add and delete these properties by selecting the “View all properties” link at the footer of the “About the contact” section.
Once you’ve selected the link, you will be redirected to another page. Use the search bar to add new properties to the contact’s about section.
Commonly used properties include:
- Name
- Address
- Close Date
- Company
Once you’ve selected your properties, click the blue “Back” button above the contact's name.
You can now fill the new property fields with the correct information.
Once you complete filling in the appropriate info, it’s time to begin formatting your Dropbox Sign Templates with the correct “internal name” tags.
Formatting Dropbox Sign Templates For Use in Your HubSpot CRM
To prepare your documents to autofill using the correct contact property info, you’ll need to format your templates using appropriate HubSpot “internal name” tags. These “internal name” tags act as flags to indicate which information will be automatically pulled from a HubSpot contact’s profile.
To start formatting your templates with the correct “internal name” tags
Requesting a Signature in Your HubSpot CRM Account Using Dropbox Sign Templates
Once the document is sent to the signer, your HubSpot CRM timeline will add the lifecycle event to your contact’s dashboard.
Once the document has been signed, the activity will be logged and a copy of the completed document will automatically download as a PDF to the attachments section on a contact’s page.
Note: Completed Dropbox Sign documents are no longer attaching directly to HubSpot due to an issue we identified last year with how documents were posting through HubSpot's CDN (Content Delivery Network). You can still prepare templates and send signature requests via HubSpot.
What you should be seeing in a contact's Activity at this time are signed document notifications such as–
"Dropbox Sign CONTACT had Dropbox Sign event Signed (Dropbox Sign Document Link here)"
The link will direct you back to to access your documents within our site.
Customizing Dropbox Sign Labels in Your HubSpot CRM
In addition to the default properties, Dropbox Sign allows you to create up to 30 custom labels. While you can change the identifying “label” of the property, the “internal names” tags must remain the same when formatting your templates:
Internal name |
Property label |
annualrevenue |
Annual Revenue |
num_associated_deals |
Associated Deals |
hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date |
Became a Customer Date |
hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date |
Became a Lead Date |
hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date |
Became a Marketing Qualified Lead Date |
hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date |
Became a Sales Qualified Lead Date |
hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date |
Became a Subscriber Date |
hs_lifecyclestage_evangelist_date |
Became an Evangelist Date |
hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date |
Became an Opportunity Date |
hs_lifecyclestage_other_date |
Became an Other Lifecycle Date |
city |
City |
closedate |
Close Date |
company |
Company Name |
country |
Country |
createdate |
Create Date |
days_to_close |
Days To Close |
blog_default_hubspot_blog_subscription |
Default HubSpot Blog Email Subscription |
fax |
Fax Number |
first_deal_created_date |
First Deal Created Date |
firstname |
First Name |
hubspot_owner_id |
HubSpot Owner |
industry |
Industry |
ipaddress |
IP Address |
jobtitle |
Job Title |
notes_last_contacted |
Last Contacted |
lastmodifieddate |
Last Modified Date |
lastname |
Last Name |
hs_lead_status |
Lead Status |
lifecyclestage |
Lifecycle Stage |
message |
Message |
mobilephone |
Mobile Phone Number |
notes_next_activity_date |
Next Activity Date |
notes_last_updated |
Notes Last Updated |
numemployees |
Number of Employees |
num_notes |
Number of Notes |
num_contacted_notes |
Number of times contacted |
hubspot_owner_assigneddate |
Owner Assigned Date |
phone |
Phone Number |
zip |
Postal Code |
recent_deal_amount |
Recent Deal Amount |
recent_deal_close_date |
Recent Deal Close Date |
salutation |
Salutation |
state |
State/Region |
address |
Street Address |
total_revenue |
Total Revenue |
website |
Website URL |
followercount |
Follower Count |
kloutscoregeneral |
Klout Score |
linkedinbio |
LinkedIn Bio |
linkedinconnections |
LinkedIn Connections |
twitterbio |
Twitter Bio |
twitterprofilephoto |
Twitter Profile Photo |
twitterhandle |
Twitter Username |
hs_email_optout |
Opted out of all email |
hs_email_optout_337953 |
Opted out of email: Marketing Information |
hs_analytics_source |
Original Source |
hs_analytics_source_data_1 |
Original Source Drill-Down 1 |
hs_analytics_source_data_2 |
Original Source Drill-Down 2 |
ip_city |
IP City |
ip_country |
IP Country |
ip_state |
IP State/Region |
hellosign_awaiting_signature2 |
Pending Signature |
hellosign_last_signed_date2 |
Last Contract Signed Date |
hellosign_last_viewed_date2 |
Last Contract Viewed Date |
hellosign_cc |
HelloSign CC |
hellosign_meta_1 |
HelloSign Meta 1 |
hellosign_meta_2 |
HelloSign Meta 2 |
... |
... |
hellosign_meta_30 |
HelloSign Meta 30 |
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