What is a template?
Check out our previous post.
What is test mode?
It’s a way to test out all of
Sign’s API functionality without having to pay for a plan. Note that documents are not legally binding in test mode.How do I create templates?
You can create templates through Sign’s web interface, and through the API using embedded templates.
What are locked templates?
Locked templates are templates that can only be used in test mode. All templates that you create before purchasing a
Sign plan will be locked. After you purchase a Sign plan, templates that are created after the quota of unlocked templates is reached will automatically be locked.How do I unlock templates?
Locked templates can be unlocked when quota opens up.
Note: when quota opens up, templates will be automatically unlocked according to the date the templates were first created. This follows the “first in, first out” (FIFO) approach. Keep this in mind when planning which templates to use in production.
Example: if quota opens up for 5 templates, the oldest 5 locked templates will be unlocked.
How can I increase my quota?
There are a few ways to increase your quota
Can I specify which templates to unlock?
Not at this time.
Can I lock templates?
To prevent template use abuse, locking a template is not allowed.
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