Text tags allow you to add Dropbox Sign signature fields, and custom fields directly into the source document. Applying the following syntax to your source file will enable Dropbox Sign to detect the text tags in the document and display them correctly for all signers. Common use cases for text tags are when using a third-party document generation tool, or a product like Salesforce CPQ in which templates are built using HTML that gets converted into a PDF document.
Supporting Documentation:
Text Tags Syntax:
A Dropbox Sign text tag must always be enclosed in brackets [ ] and use a pipe | between sections.
Formatting for a text tag is as follows:
[ field type | required | which signer | optional label | optional ID when using custom APEX only ]
Examples of Text Tags:
Text field:
Checkbox field:
Date field:
Initial field:
Signature field:
Text-merge field (default text set by the API):
Checkbox-merge field (default value set by the API):
Create a document with text tags:
- Before uploading your document, add the appropriate text tags positioned where you’d like fields to populate
- The physical length of a text tag defines the length of the field.
- Field height cannot be defined with text tags and text tags must be one line
- Hide text tags so they are not visible underneath signer fields to do this simply change the color of the text tag to the same color as the background of the document, for example in most cases it would be white.
See “Document with text tags..” examples below
Prepare and Send a One-Time Document with Text Tags:
- Access the Salesforce record you wish to send a signature request to
- Click “Use Dropbox Sign" button to begin signature request preparation
- Select “One-Time Document”
- Upload your document with text tags
- Configure signer type(s) / recipient(s), actions, and options (if desired)
- Include a title and message (if desired) for the signature request, and click on "Prepare Document"
- Prepare document for signing and review how text tags have populated. You may edit from here by adding or removing fields.
- Complete preparation and click on "Continue" -- this will send the request
Additional Notes:
- Ideally, the signers you define should match the way in which you’ve defined text tags on the uploaded document (i.e., if tags are defined for one signer you will upload and prepare your document for one signer)
- You may add additional signers as needed when using a document with text tags. Note that you will need to manually add signer fields for the additional signer(s).
- If you create a document with two signers defined in text tags, but have only one signer created, fields produced for the second signer tags will not appear on the final document..
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