When using check boxes you might want to group them together to be able to set up selection logic, for example your signers can check 1 out of the 3 options provided. Below are the steps to accomplish this using text tags.
1. You will need to define the tag as a variable. A tag definition starts with def:$tagName, and is otherwise like a normal tag:
2. If you have many tags to place, perhaps because there is a large array of checkboxes in your document, you can use a tag variable to specify the type of tag, and then reuse it:
A: [$chk] B: [$chk]
C: [$chk] D: [$chk]
3. If you would like to separate the groups, you will need to rename the tag variable for each group to avoid conflicts:
A: [$chk2] B: [$chk2]
C: [$chk2] D: [$chk2]
Final product will look like this:
From the example text tags above, you should see 2 text box groups. The group will be outlined with a line and have an asterisk if the any of the fields are required.
In group one, 2 of the text boxes are required to be checked.
The signer can't continue until 2 boxes are checked. No more than 2 boxes can be checked since the requirement is only 2 and no more.
In group two, 1 of the text boxes are required to be checked.
The signer can now complete the signature request.
Please see our reference documentation here: Using Text Tags Field Parsing
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