When Microsoft documents are uploaded to Dropbox Sign, they are converted into PDF format for electronic signing. In order to preserve the original style of the document, a large variety of fonts are supported during the conversion to PDF step:
- 4 Headline
- 4 Text
- Abel
- Abril Fatface
- Acme
- Aharoni
- Alegreya
- Andale Mono
- Angsana New
- Anton
- Aparajita
- Archivo Narrow
- Arial
- Arimo
- Arvo
- Asap
- Atlas Grotesk
- Atlas Grotesk Black
- Atlas Grotesk Light
- Atlas Grotesk Medium
- Atlas Grotesk Thin
- Batang
- Bitter
- Bree Serif
- Browallia New
- Cabin
- Cairo
- Calibri
- Cambria
- Catamaran
- Cinzel
- Comic Sans
- Cordia New
- Cormorant Garamond
- Courgette
- Courier New
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Cuprum
- DFKai SB
- Dancing Script
- David
- DengXian
- DengXian Light
- DilleniaUPC
- Domine
- Dosis
- EucrosiaUPC
- Exo 2
- Exo 2 Black
- Exo 2 Extra Bold
- Exo 2 Extra Light
- Exo 2 Light
- Exo 2 Medium
- Exo 2 Semi Bold
- Exo 2 Thin
- FangSong
- Fira Sans
- Fjalla One
- Francois One
- FrankRuehl
- FreesiaUPC
- Georgia
- Gisha
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Gulim
- Heebo
- Hind
- Hind Siliguri
- Impact
- Inconsolata
- Indie Flower
- IrisUPC
- JasmineUPC
- Josefin Sans
- KaiTi
- Kanit
- Karla
- KodchiangUPC
- Kokila
- Lato
- Leelawadee
- Levenim MT
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- LilyUPC
- Lora
- Mangal
- Maven Pro
- Meiryo
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Merriweather Sans ExtraBold
- Merriweather Sans Light
- MingLiU
- Miriam
- Miriam Fixed
- MS Mincho
- Mukta
- Muli
- NanumGothic
- Narkisim
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oxygen
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patua One
- Permanent Marker
- Play
- Playfair Display
- Poiret One
- Poppins
- Poppins Black
- Poppins ExtraBold
- Poppins ExtraLight
- Poppins Light
- Poppins Medium
- Poppins SemiBold
- Poppins Thin
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Rajdhani
- Raleway
- Raleway Black
- Raleway ExtraBold
- Raleway ExtraLight
- Raleway Light
- Raleway Medium
- Raleway SemiBold
- Raleway Thin
- Righteous
- Roboto
- Roboto Black
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Condensed Light
- Roboto Light
- Roboto Medium
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Mono Light
- Roboto Mono Medium
- Roboto Mono Thin
- Roboto Slab
- Roboto Thin
- Rod
- Ropa Sans
- Sanskrit Text
- Shadows Into Light
- Signika
- SimHei
- Slabo 27px
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Teko
- Times New Roman
- Titillium Web
- Trebuchet
- UD Digi Kyokasho N B
- UD Digi Kyokasho N R
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Utsaah
- Varela Round
- Verdana
- Vollkorn
- Webdings
- Work Sans
- Work Sans Black
- Work Sans ExtraBold
- Work Sans ExtraLight
- Work Sans Light
- Work Sans Medium
- Work Sans SemiBold
- Work Sans Thin
- Yu Mincho
- Yu Mincho Demibold
- Yu Mincho Light
What if my font isn’t supported?
If your document uses fonts not supported by Dropbox Sign, a close match will be substituted during conversion. The substitute fonts are selected to be as close a match to the original font as possible based on font family and typography.
If your font is not supported and you want to avoid substitution, please save the document as a PDF prior to uploading it to Dropbox Sign.
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