Date 10/1/20
Quota communication email
When free teams have sent 80 or more transactions in a month, an email will be automatically sent to urge them to upgrade to a paid plan.
When free teams have used all 100 free transactions in a month, an email will be automatically sent to inform them that they need to upgrade to a paid plan to send more transactions.
Re-order forms
Users can now re-order forms within a workflow without going to the Code Editor!
Users can access the re-order forms modal in both the Forms menu and the Review & Publish tab.
Redesigned PDF mapper
Improved performance & reliability: dragging the output field is now super smooth and responsive.
Allow overlap while building: overlapping of output fields is now allowed when users are creating their forms. It makes placing output fields on PDF crowded with fields much more manageable.
Allow partial overlap to publish: Users can also publish forms that are partially overlapped to provide maximum flexibility when building forms.
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