Key Features & Improvements:
Updated launch email and Smartform start screen copy
Bulk Send: this paid feature lets users send up to 100 transactions at once, it also supports multi-participants and merge fields.
User experience
Click the “Bulk send” button in the Send page
Download the CSV template
Fill the CSV template with participant info and merge field if there are any
Upload the filled CSV template
Review then click “Send”
If there are incorrectly entered data, users only need to fix the problematic transactions before resend. In the case when all transactions are successfully sent, users will be redirected to the Sent page.
Up to 100 transactions at a time
Will only work properly for paid users, free users can only send 2 transactions per minute due to free tier’s rate limit.
Shareable link alert: when a form has shareable link enabled, we add an alert to inform users that republishing the form will cancel any in-progress transactions created by shareable link.
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