The Templatesand Template links left sidebar sub-links stayed in the Templates left sidebar section.
Customers consistently shared that they expect to find their templates in the Templates section. We kept the existing Template and Template linksleft sidebar sub-links in the Documents section as well, but they now redirect to the Templates section.
The payment page now(as of April 28)has a new billing period picker.
The order summary page now has improved usability.
Users can now manage their requests or seats from the Billing tab.
Bug fixes
Users without permission to download bulk send CSVs will no longer see that option.
Users are able to apply discount codes to the purchase of Enterprise plans.
Enterprise users who add new features will see confirmation that the features are enabled.
HelloFax users are able to sync all of their GSuite contacts to HelloFax.
HelloFax users are able to receive incoming faxes of 250 pages or more(limit 1,000 pages).
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