This article covers how to send a one-time signature request from HubSpot. You can also send signature requests from HubSpot using templates. Learn how to create templates and send signature request using templates.
To send a signature request:
1. Sign in to
2. Navigate to a Contact, Company, or Deal record.
- Note: Only HubSpot users with the appropriate object access will be able to use the integration from Contact, Deal, and Company records.
3. Click Actions in the Dropbox Sign CRM card in the right sidebar.
4. Click Send one-time doc.
5. Select the document(s) you’d like to add to your template.
- Click Upload file and follow the prompts, or drag and drop files where it says Drag and drop files here.
6. Once you’ve added all your files, click Next.
7. Add the name and email address for anyone who needs to sign.
- Note: The first signer name and email address will autofill if you send a signature request from their Contact record.
9. Click Next.
10. Click and drag the fields you’d like to add from the left sidebar to your document. Learn more about using the Dropbox Sign editor.
- Note: HubSpot properties are only available when you create a template. They’re not available if you send a one-time document.
11. Once you’ve added all your fields, click Next.
12. Add CC recipients and a message for signers, if you’d like.
13. Click Send for signature.
14. Click Return to HubSpot.
You can track the status of a one-time document just like you would any other signature request.
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